Monday, January 6, 2014

Let's Commit

Okay, so I'm doing this thing. I've officially told my husband and kids that I'm committing to a year (or six months, or a month; I haven't decided yet. I may need a loophole) of eating vegan. There are a couple of caveats: I'm not throwing away food that is already in the house that is not vegan. That means the delicious gingerbread that went into our Tardis gingerbread house (don't ask, let's just say the joy was in the journey) is still going into my cookie hole until it is gone. Same with the coffee creamer. Also I'm considering whether I can still have honey and maybe creamer on this adventure. The "all or nothing" girl in me says absolutely not but her more reasonable sidekick says "maybe you don't have to be so uptight"
And I'm giving myself a little grace at restaurants. If I can't find anything vegan when we go out to eat, especially on vacation, I will be flexible.

Anyway, my family was fairly supportive. My teenagers who are used to my cooking whims said fine, as long as I don't have to be vegan. My husband, Chris, also said that he is not interested in being pushed into this lifestyle, but that he is happy to eat vegan when I cook. Also, he will not taunt me with cheese.

So how is this going to work with one vegan living in a house of omnivores?  Well fortunately for me,  I do at least part of the cooking. Chris and I split the cooking pretty evenly, so we've decided that the nights I cook, I will make vegan meals that everyone can eat, or at least try. When he cooks, he will plan meals that can (at let's face it, will) include meat, and I will eat leftovers from my vegan meals. Can't wait to start!

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